the master of my sea
Да ушш, чего-чего, а ожидание Моффат скрасить умеет :lol: :crztuk:

Капальди выбирает себе костюмчик))) Детали ниже))))

Asked earlier today when Capaldi would be heading to the shops, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat revealed “I think actually right now – I think literally right now.
“He was texting me ‘I’m out with [the wardrobe stylist] at the moment, it’s going quite well’ and some descriptions of clothes I did not understand. If it’s not a suit…”
Moffat explained he would be taking a hands-off approach to tracking down the appropriate costume for his new leading man after failing to spot the potential of a bow tie for Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor.
“I’ll just let them get on with it and it’ll be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ a the end,” said Moffat.
“Matt said ‘I should be a boffin, I think I need to go with the bow tie’ and I said ‘No, absolutely not, you’re not wearing a bow tie – that’s a cartoon idea of what Doctor Who is… Oh, you are going to wear a bow tie – you look incredible in it.
“And from that moment on he suddenly came to life, and he put the tweed jacket on and suddenly he’s leaping round the room with a biro pen and that was it – he was the Doctor.”
Is it possible Capaldi will have as much influence on the 12th Doctor’s attire? “He likes his clothes,” said Moffat, “he’s got very strong opinions about clothes, he’s very dashing.”

Просто так для красоты :crazylove:

@темы: Двенадцатый Доктор, какой такой доктор?