1) Восьмой в книжке Дикса оказался настоящим Марти Стю: красивый (неоднократно подчёркнуто!), умный, всех спасает, вопщем "ах как он бьёт ногой, наш Вася!". Непременно буду читать дальше
2) В той же книжке чудный кусочек про депрессию (ей, понятно, не Восьмой страдал, а наоборот Седьмой )
There were no obvious indications that the Doctor was in trouble. He was safe inside the TARDIS, where no enemy could reach him and there was no unexpected trap waiting for him there - yet. No, the Doctor's enemy was inside his own mind. For no particular reason, he was feeling depressed. It was a condition which occasionally attacked Time Lords, especially those with half their regenerations behind them. In fact, the condition attacked most intelligent lifeforms and was well known on many planets, including old Earth. There it was known as accidie, and to the Church it was a mortal sin - a denial of God. It was also known as ennui, the megrims, the blues, or the black dog. But whatever the name, the symptoms were always the same: listlessness, boredom, a sense that life was ultimately meaningless and futile, without point or purpose.
If short-lived humans can be oppressed by such feelings, how much more vulnerable is a Time Lord, weighed down by the burden of regeneration after regeneration. When life seems to have no value, an almost unending supply is a curse, not a blessing. The Doctor could remember mornings on Gallifrey when a daisy on a snowy mountainside or a drop of dew gleaming on a blade of grass was a sufficient reason for living. No longer.
3) В качестве средства от этой самой accidie решила заняццо чем-нибудь утомительным и полезным, отмыла плиту до состояния новой, перегладила кучу белья, accidie никуда не делась, но всё равно хоть какой-то прок
4) Весна, блядь, пришла: собака линяет. Нед, не линяет. Опадает. Fucking natural disaster
| понедельник, 15 апреля 2013