1) таки да, Юнг в результате поставил Фрейду диагноз
читать дальшеFreud himself had a neurosis, no doubt diagnosable and one with highly troublesome symptoms, as I had discovered on our voyage to America. Of course he had taught me that everybody is somewhat neurotic, and that we must practice tolerance. But I was not at all inclined to content myself with that; rather, I wanted to know how one could escape having a neurosis. Apparently neither Freud nor his disciples could understand what it meant for the theory and practice of psychoanalysis if not even the master could deal with his own neurosis. When, then, Freud announced his intention of identifying theory
and method and making them into some kind of dogma, I could no longer collaborate with him; there remained no choice for me but to withdraw.2) завела себе два новых тэга, один для Юнга, другой для кавая по всяким квазифилологическим поводам, C. G. Jung и Sprachfimmel соответственно))) Sprachfimmel - это language kink Низнаю, как по-русске, и есть ли оно по-русске