давно обнаружила, што как правило оч. люблю альбомы примерно своего года рождения)) Скажэм, The Night at the Opera и The Day at the Races у Queen)) С другой стороны, так же как у Квин, у Дилана альбом 75-го был сам по себе очень удачным)) очень летняя вещь)) несмотря на легкий налет цинизма, или благодаря ему)))
читать дальшеUp on the white veranda She wears a necktie and a Panama hat Her passport shows a face From another time and place She looks nothin’ like that]Up on the white veranda She wears a necktie and a Panama hat Her passport shows a face From another time and place She looks nothin’ like that And all the remnants of her recent past Are scattered in the wild wind She walks across the marble floor Where a voice from the gambling room is callin’ her to come on in She smiles, walks the other way As the last ship sails and the moon fades away From Black Diamond Bay
As the mornin’ light breaks open, the Greek comes down And he asks for a rope and a pen that will write “Pardon, monsieur,” the desk clerk says Carefully removes his fez “Am I hearin’ you right?” And as the yellow fog is liftin’ The Greek is quickly headin’ for the second floor She passes him on the spiral staircase Thinkin’ he’s the Soviet Ambassador She starts to speak, but he walks away As the storm clouds rise and the palm branches sway On Black Diamond Bay
A soldier sits beneath the fan Doin’ business with a tiny man who sells him a ring Lightning strikes, the lights blow out The desk clerk wakes and begins to shout “Can you see anything?” Then the Greek appears on the second floor In his bare feet with a rope around his neck While a loser in the gambling room lights up a candle Says, “Open up another deck” But the dealer says, “Attendez-vous, s’il vous plait” As the rain beats down and the cranes fly away From Black Diamond Bay
The desk clerk heard the woman laugh As he looked around the aftermath and the soldier got tough He tried to grab the woman’s hand Said, “Here’s a ring, it cost a grand” She said, “That ain’t enough” Then she ran upstairs to pack her bags While a horse-drawn taxi waited at the curb She passed the door that the Greek had locked Where a handwritten sign read, “Do Not Disturb” She knocked upon it anyway As the sun went down and the music did play On Black Diamond Bay
“I’ve got to talk to someone quick!” But the Greek said, “Go away,” and he kicked the chair to the floor He hung there from the chandelier She cried, “Help, there’s danger near Please open up the door!” Then the volcano erupted And the lava flowed down from the mountain high above The soldier and the tiny man were crouched in the corner Thinking of forbidden love But the desk clerk said, “It happens every day” As the stars fell down and the fields burned away On Black Diamond Bay
As the island slowly sank The loser finally broke the bank in the gambling room The dealer said, “It’s too late now You can take your money, but I don’t know how You’ll spend it in the tomb” The tiny man bit the soldier’s ear As the floor caved in and the boiler in the basement blew While she’s out on the balcony, where a stranger tells her “My darling, je vous aime beaucoup” She sheds a tear and then begins to pray As the fire burns on and the smoke drifts away From Black Diamond Bay
I was sittin’ home alone one night in L.A. Watchin’ old Cronkite on the seven o’clock news It seems there was an earthquake that Left nothin’ but a Panama hat And a pair of old Greek shoes Didn’t seem like much was happenin’, So I turned it off and went to grab another beer Seems like every time you turn around There’s another hard-luck story that you’re gonna hear And there’s really nothin’ anyone can say And I never did plan to go anyway To Black Diamond Bay
Человек - единственное животное, для которого собственное существование представляет проблему, которую он должен разрешать и от которой не может избавиться.
Из предисловия к англ. переводу "Psychology of the Unconscious", которое "Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido", про юнговское понимание этого самого либидо))
a living power used instinctively by man in all the automatic processes of his functioning, оч. длинная цитата, но прям всё в точку))))Beginning with the conception of libido itself as a term used to connote sexual hunger and craving, albeit the meaning of the word sexual was extended by Freud to embrace a much wider significance than common usage has assigned it, Jung was unable to confine himself to this limitation. He conceived this longing, this urge or push of life as something extending beyond sexuality even in its wider sense. He saw in the term libido a concept of unknown nature, comparable to Bergson's elan vital, a hypothetical energy of life, which occupies itself not only in sexuality but in various physiological and psychological manifestations such as growth, development, hunger, and all the human activities and interests. This cosmic energy or urge manifested In the human being he calls libido and compares It with the energy of physics.
Although recognizing, in common with Freud as well as with many others, the primal instinct of reproduction as the basis of many functions and present-day activities of mankind no longer sexual in character he repudiates theidea of still calling them sexual, even though their development was a growth originally out of the sexual. Sexuality and Its various manifestations Jung sees as most important channels occupied by libido, but not the exclusive ones through which libido flows.
This is an energic concept of life ; and from this viewpoint this hypothetical energy of life or libido is a living power used instinctively by man in all the automatic processes of his functioning; such very processes being but different manifestations of this energy. By virtue of Its quality of mobility and change man, through his understanding and intelligence, has the power consciously to direct and use his libido in definite and desired ways. In this conception of Jung will be seen an analogy to Bergson, who speaks of " this change, this movement and becoming, this self-creation, call it what you will, as the very stuff and reality of our being."
In developing the energic conception of libido and separating it from Freud's sexual definition, Jung makes possible the explanation of interest in general, and provides a working concept by which not only the specifically sexual, but the general activities and reactions of man can be understood. If a person complains of no longer having interest in his work or of losing interest in his surroundings, then one understands that his libido is withdrawn from this object and that In consequence the object itself seems no longerattractive, whereas, as a matter of fact, the object itself is exactly the same as formerly. In other words, it is the libido that we bestow upon an object that makes it attractive and interesting.
The causes for the withdrawal of libido may be various and are usually quite different from those that the personsoffer in explanation. It is the task of psychoanalysis to discover the real reasons, which are usually hidden and unknown. On the other hand, when an individual exhibits an exaggerated interest or places an over-emphasis upon an idea or situation, then we know there is too much libido here and that we may find as a consequence a corresponding depletion elsewhere.
However, if in the course of its movement from the function of nutrition to the sexual function the libido isarrested or retarded at any phase, then a fixation may result, creating a disturbance in the harmony of the normal development. For, although the libido is retarded and remains clinging to some childish manifestation, time goes on and the physical growth of the child does not stand still.
Soon a great contrast is created between the infantile manifestations of the emotional life and the needs of the more adult individual, and the foundation is thus prepared for either the development of a definite neurosis or else for those weaknesses of character or symptomatic disturbances which are not sufficiently serious to be called a neurosis.
One of the most active and important forms of childish libido occupation is in phantasy making. The child's world is one of imagery and make-believe where he can create for himself that satisfaction and enjoyment which the world of reality so often denies. As the child grows and real demands of life are made upon him it becomes increasingly necessary that his libido be taken away from his phantastic world and used for the required adaptation to reality needed by his age and condition, until finally for the adult the freedom of the whole libido is necessary to meet the biological and cultural demands of life.
Instead of thus employing the libido in the real world, however, certain people never relinquish the seeking for satisfaction in the shadowy world of phantasy and even though they make certain attempts at adaptation they are halted and discouraged by every difficulty and obstacle in the path of life and are easily pulled back into their inner psychic world. This condition is called a state of introversion. It is concerned with the past and the reminiscences which belong thereto. Situations and experiences which should have been completed and finished long ago are still dwelt upon and lived with. Images and matters which were once important but which normally have no significance for their later age are still actively influencing their present lives.
Translations by alernun. Первый зацепивший фик с реверс-биг-бэнга. Было ещё несколько довольно симпатичных, но с этим не сравнить. Насколько я понимаю, это попытка объединить комикс-канон и кино-канон. К настоящим, серьезным вещам всегда хочется прицепиццо и начать разбирать по косточкам занудство мне таки показалось странным, что ну никого не нашлось во всей больнице, кто бы говорил если не на немецком, так хотя бы на идише. Не говоря уже о том, что Эрику тоже было бы логичнее говорить на идише)) С другой стороны, по фильму вроде выходит, что родной у него - немецкий) Да, я зануда Но это всё детали, а главное, что фик не отпускает, сидит потом в подкорке и там разговаривает)) Вопщем, вот это можно смело рекомендовать даже тем, кто кено не смотрел и с каноном не знаком
Для объяснения своей концепции деятельности Аристотель как аналогию использует Олимпийские игры. "Подобно тому, - говорит он, - как на Олимпийских состязаниях венки получают не самые красивые и сильные, а те, кто участвует в состязании (ибо победители бывают из их числа), так в жизни прекрасного благого достигают те, кто совершает правильные поступки". Свободный, рациональный и деятельный (размышляющий) человек - хороший, а следовательно, счастливый человек.
Если разум указывает человеку, что он должен делать, чтобы стать истинно самим собой, и тем самым учит пониманию того, что есть благо, то достичь добродетели человек может через активное использование своих сил. Таким образом, действенность - то же, что добродетель; бездеятельность - то же, что порок. Счастье не явяется само по себе целью; оно сопутствует использованию возрастающей действенности, в то время как бездеятельность сопровождается депрессией; действенность и бездеятельность касаются всех сил, свойственных человеку.
Дилан)Или, как по утверждению Дилана, говорила его одесская бабушка, "Happiness isn't on the road to something, it is the road"
читать дальшепосле краткого периода бурной фандомной жызни йа благополучно вернулась в нормальное состояние содержание постов:
1) о, я опять пьян 2) прочетал Франкла (Юнга, Фромма, девицу Ленорман), долго думал 3) учу какой-то язык 4) слепила какую-то фигню 5) Дилан в той или иной форме
и слава Богу это всё мало кому интересно) зато мне интересно))) ну если ещё кому-нибудь - здорово) если нет - мне всё равно интересно) вокруг чо-та бурлит, битвы какие-то, а мне даже баннеров не видно)) извинити)
Процитировала тут подруге в письме кусок из юнговского мемуара, по-английске (дада, йа зануда ). Подруга попросила уточнить одну фразу, йа, будучи нетрезв, решил, что лучше найду готовый перевод в интернете. Нашла.
перевод на английскийThe Indian's goal is not moral perfection, but the condition of nirdvandva. He wishes to free himself from nature; in keeping with this aim, he seeks in meditation the сondition of imagelessness and emptiness. I, on the other hand, wish to persist in the state of lively contemplation of nature and of the psychic images. I want to be freed neither from human beings, nor from myself, nor from nature; for all these appear to me the greatest of miracles. Nature, the psyche, and life appear to me like divinity unfolded and what more could I wish for? To me the supreme meaning of Being can consist only in the fact that it is, not that it is not or is no longer.
перевод на русскийЦель индуса - не моральное совершенство, а только состояние нирваны. Желая отрешиться от собственной природы, медитацией он достигает состояния легкости и пустоты, освобождая себя таким образом. Я же, напротив, хочу остаться при своем - я не желаю отказываться ни от человеческого общения, ни от природы, ни от себя самого и собственных фантазий. Я убежден, что все это даровано мне как величайшее чудо. Природу, душу и жизнь я воспринимаю как некое развитие божества - к чему же большему стоит стремиться? Высший смысл бытия для меня заключается в том, что оно есть, а не в том, чтобы его не было.
шо за "лёгкость"? откуда это "при своем"? 0___о Потом, когда КГ желает говорить о своих личных фантазиях, по-английске он их так и называет - phantasies. Ну, по-английске, по крайней мере.
[...] авторитарная этика отрицает способность человека знать, что хорошо и что плохо; норму определяет всегда авторитет, стоящий выше индивида. Такая система основывается не на разуме и знаниях, а на преклонении перед авторитетом и на чувстве слабости и зависимости; отказ от принятия решений и передача этого права авторитету проистекают из его магической власти; его решения не могут и не должны подвергаться сомнению.
Preacher, he was a-talkin' There was sermon he gave He said, "Every man's conscience is vile and depraved, You cannot depend on it to be your guide, When it's you who must Keep it satisfied"
То ли Дилан четал таки Фромма, то ли они оба четали одни и те же хасидские книжки
и духоподъемная цитата просто таг:
Любовь - это не высшая сила, которая снисходит на человека, и не долг, налагаемый на него; она - его собственная сила, с помощью которой он приобщается к миру и делает его по-настоящему своим.
англ.oh my god my gentle god with the eyes of blue when it' raining oh so hard all I know is you when the sun is shining bright early in the morn all I know is what is right when the world is born
чем надо всенепременно заняццо летом в Крыму? Правильно, ремонтом мебели
покрашено и поклеено лично моими кривыми руками (люблю сочетание белого с коричневым и полосочки....)))) читать дальше коцептуальный шкафчик на мотивы икс-менов читать дальше
It takes faith to bring up a child; it takes faith to fall asleep; it takes faith to begin any work. But we all are accustomed to having this kind of faith. Whoever does not have it suffers from overanxiety about his child, or from insomnia, or from the inability to do any kind of productive work; or he is suspicious, restrained from being close to anybody, or hypochondriacal, or unable to make any long-range plans. [...]
The practice of faith and courage begins with the small details of daily life. The first step is to notice where and when one loses faith, to look through the rationalizations which are used to cover up this loss of faith, to recognize where one acts in a cowardly way, and again how one rationalizes it. To recognize how every betrayal of faith weakens one, and how increased weakness leads to new betrayal, and so on, in a vicious circle.
You both live eternally Somewhere In the universe next door Where rain is falling Upon New York Where Bleeker Street is wet An old café is waiting With its doors ajar Your happiness is real enough for me