не буду оригинальна, под морем восторженное ыыыДауни прекрасен, теперь я понимаю почему так усиленно шипперят Тони Старка с Капитаном Америкой, шутки на российские темы неожиданно адекватны, Коулсона жалко, еще был какой-то чудесный дяденька в паре с агентом Романофф, дяденьку нужно прояснить, кино посмотреть ещё раз. А да, и Локи в наморднике - это кинк размером с две Америки
меня даже 3Д не раздражало, токо ухи от двух пар очков устали
баппский дыбрна волне радостного оптимизма купила себе, не отходя от торгового центра, весенние брючки, ботиночки и маечку
2) Kein - это как английское no, токо употребляецца чаще:
Ich habe keine Idee - I have no idea. Sie hat kein Geld - She has no money. Er ist kein Student - He is no student.
Вроде бы.
3) Рассматриваю картинки в юнговской Das Rote Buch. Оч. нравицца Напоминает почему-то как в деццтве рассматривала иллюстрации к Пушкину и "Трем толстякам", и в отрочестве - бердслеевскую графику к "Смерти Артура"
Поняла всю степень садизма Кристобаля Хозевича Хунты, писавшего по-русски готическим шрифтом Готический шрифт от руки даже по-немецки мне лично больше фсего напоминает малоразборчивый иврит
это йа))) фсе заинтересованные литса уже Авенджеров посмотрели кроме меня, бубубу))) а у меня по весне такое торможение, что если есть хотя бы одно занятие в день, то больше я уже ничего не успеваю
зато в процессе подготовки к Авенджерам посмотрела Халка и Тора Эдвард Нортон не впечатлил, но это наверное потому что после его превращений в Тайлера Дёрдена его же превращения в безразмерного зелёного монстра уже совершенно не удивляют В Торе наконец заценила Локи, дааа Очаровательный поганец
в Нью-Йоркере очень смешная рецензия на Авенджеров:
The best way to treat “The Avengers” is as cinema’s answer to the supergroup. Stark and his buddies club together just as Bob Dylan, George Harrison, and the others did to form the Traveling Wilburys. Harrison wondered what it would be like to tour: “Would each person do a solo set and then do Wilburys at the end, or would we all go right on from beginning to end and make everything Wilburys?” Whedon leans toward the first option, and so, come the climax, they all do Wilburys: even as Thor tosses his mallet, Iron Man hurls energy pulses from his palms, while Captain America waves his slightly underwhelming shield, and, not to be left out, Black Widow repels invading aliens through the sheer force of her corsetry.
Хачу такую АУ-шку, где Дилан - это Халк, Рой Орбисон - Тони Старк, а Джордж Харрисон - мнэээ... нед, в Торы он не годицца, Тор - это Том Петти Или нед, Том Петти - это Локи
А, да, теперь йа знаю, как по-английске будет ёрш, в смысле пиво с воткой скотчем: boilermaker
про соционику))) и различие между чейтательским и аффтарским толкованием текста)))Simultaneously, I was busy with preparatory work for Psychological Types, first published in 1921. This work sprang originally from my need to define the ways in which my outlook differed from Freud's and Adler's. In attempting to answer this question, I came across the problem of types; for it is one's psychological type which from the outset determines and limits a person's judgment. My book, therefore, was an effort to deal with the relationship of the individual to the world, to people and things. It discussed die various aspects of consciousness, the various attitudes the conscious mind might take toward the world, and thus constitutes a psychology of consciousness regarded from what might be called a clinical angle. I worked a great deal of literature into this book. The writings of Spitteler occupied a special place, in particular his Prometheus and Epimetheus; but I also discussed Schiller, Nietzsche, and the intellectual history of the classical era and the Middle Ages. I was presumptuous enough to send a copy of my book to Spitteler. He did not answer me, but shortly afterward delivered a lecture in which he declared positively that his Prometheus and Epimetheus "meant" nothing, that he might just as well have sung, "Spring is come, tra-la-la-la-la."
Ну ладно ЖЖ опять сломался, но почему у меня еще и фанфикшн.нет не открываеццо? Люди добрые, скажыте, это у всех так или это мой чудесный провайдер поставил себе какой-то экзотический брандмауэр? 0____о Late Bloomer брошен на середине *плакает*
UPD Позвонила провайдеру, вроде починили, уроды))))
1) таки да, Юнг в результате поставил Фрейду диагноз
читать дальшеFreud himself had a neurosis, no doubt diagnosable and one with highly troublesome symptoms, as I had discovered on our voyage to America. Of course he had taught me that everybody is somewhat neurotic, and that we must practice tolerance. But I was not at all inclined to content myself with that; rather, I wanted to know how one could escape having a neurosis. Apparently neither Freud nor his disciples could understand what it meant for the theory and practice of psychoanalysis if not even the master could deal with his own neurosis. When, then, Freud announced his intention of identifying theory and method and making them into some kind of dogma, I could no longer collaborate with him; there remained no choice for me but to withdraw.
2) завела себе два новых тэга, один для Юнга, другой для кавая по всяким квазифилологическим поводам, C. G. Jung и Sprachfimmel соответственно))) Sprachfimmel - это language kink Низнаю, как по-русске, и есть ли оно по-русске
Намедни песала о прометеевском ролике, щас открываю свежий фанфег полюбившегося аффтара (угу, фильма еще нет, а фанфеге уже есть )
and I quote:
"Ninety percent of corporate heads wished to purchase you following the promotion," Nine said. "The attribute they most commonly associated with you was efficiency. But seventy percent of your human counterparts – those you would work with – said you appeared untrustworthy. The word they most frequently associated with you was creepy."
Кстате, рекомендую: Imperfection by stewardess. Фик - само совершенство за исключением одного недостатка: это WIP)
реально нет слов))) крестико- (ну или макфасси) фандом - это все-таки источник неизбывного щастья) кроссовер "Опасного метода" и "Хроник Нарнии". Угу, пейринг Юнг/Тумнус))) Потрясно написано, стилизация просто блестящая) Одно описание заснеженной поляны с фонарем в стиле "интерпретация сновидений" - убиться веником
The fur coats possibly represent my home life in Zurich (luxurious, but not fitting, i.e. not comfortable). The London street lamp may be a reference to the talk I will give on Tuesday to the English (to illuminate them). The lamp being gas instead of electric may signify my trepidation about their old-fashioned views.
вообще чудесная история, настолько, что я изменила всем принципам и оставила коммент Embarrassingly gushing, too)))
в этом смысле мне крестикофандом больше нравицца, чем ГП)) Совершенно ничем не ограниченный полёт фантазии) Не то что "Снейп и Люпин - фигуристы? Ах, как можно, какой ужас, опустите мне веки, унесите пудинг!"
ещё о природе неврозовAmong the so-called neurotics of our day there are a good many who in other ages would not have been neurotic that is, divided against themselves. If they had lived in a period and in a milieu in which man was still linked by myth with the world of the ancestors, and thus with nature truly experienced and not merely seen from outside, they would have been spared this division with themselves. I am speaking of those who cannot tolerate the loss of myth and who can neither find a way to a merely exterior world, to the world as seen by science, nor rest satisfied with an intellectual juggling with words, which has nothing whatsoever to do with wisdom.
These victims of the psychic dichotomy of our time are merely optional neurotics; their apparent morbidity drops away the moment the gulf between the ego and the unconscious is closed. The doctor who has felt this dichotomy to the depths of his being will also be able to reach a better understanding of the unconscious psychic processes, and will be saved from the danger of inflation to which the psychologist is prone. The doctor who does not know from his own experience the numinosity of the archetypes will scarcely be able to escape their negative effect when he encounters it in his practice.
о Фрейде, забавно)I can still recall vividly how Freud said to me, "My dear Jung, promise me never to abandon the sexual theory. That is the most essential thing of all. You see, we must make a dogma of it, an unshakable bulwark." He said that to me with great emotion, in the tone of a father saying, "And promise me this one thing, my dear son: that you will go to church every Sunday/' In some astonishment I asked him, "A bulwark against what?" To which he replied, "Against the black tide of mud" and here he hesitated for a moment, then added "of occultism." First of all, it was the words "bulwark" and "dogma" that alarmed me; for a dogma, that is to say, an undisputable confession of faith, is set up only when the aim is to suppress doubts once and for all. But that no longer has anything to do with scientific judgment; only with a personal power drive. This was the thing that struck at the heart of our friendship. I knew that I would never be able to accept such an attitude. What Freud seemed to mean by "occultism" was virtually everything that philosophy and religion, including the rising contemporary science of parapsychology, had learned about the psyche. To me the sexual theory was just as occult, that is to say, just as unproven an hypothesis, as many other speculative views.
As I saw it, a scientific truth was a hypothesis which might be adequate for the moment but was not to be preserved as an article of faith for all time. Although I did not properly understand it then, I had observed in Freud the eruption of unconscious religious factors. Evidently he wanted my aid in erecting a barrier against these threatening unconscious contents. The impression this conversation made upon me added to my confusion; until then I had not considered sexuality as a precious and imperiled concept to which one must remain faithful. Sexuality evidently meant more to Freud than to other people. For him it was something to be religiously observed. In the face of such deep convictions one generally becomes shy and reticent. After a few stammering attempts on my part, the conversation soon came to an end. I was bewildered and embarrassed. I had the feeling that I had caught a glimpse of a new, unknown country from which swarms of new ideas flew to meet me. One thing was clear: Freud, who had always made much of his irreligiosity, had now constructed a dogma; or rather, in the place of a jealous God whom he had lost, he had substituted another compelling image, that of sexuality. It was no less insistent, exacting, domineering, threatening, and morally ambivalent than the original one. Just as the psychically stronger agency is given "divine" or "daemonic" attributes, so the "sexual libido" took over the role of a deus absconditus, a hidden or concealed god. The advantage of this transformation for Freud was, apparently, that he was able to regard the new numinous principle as scientifically irreproachable and free from all religious taint. At bottom, however, the numinosity, that is, the psychological qualities of the two rationally incommensurable opposites Yahweh and sexuality remained the same. The name alone had changed, and with it, of course, the point of view: the lost god had now to be sought below, not above. But what difference does it make, ultimately, to the stronger agency if it is called now by one name and now by another? If psychology did not exist, but only concrete objects, the one would actually have been destroyed and replaced by the other. But in reality, that is to say, in psychological experience, there is not one whit the less of urgency, anxiety, compulsiveness, etc. The problem still remains: how to overcome or escape our anxiety, bad conscience, guilt, compulsion, unconsciousness, and instinctuality. If we cannot do this from the bright, idealistic side, then perhaps we shall have better luck by approaching the problem from the dark, biological side.
гы, посмотрела на эти два отрывка встык, и у меня возникло нехорошее подозрение, что Юнг ставит Фрейду диагноз
Сегодня решила совершить фоннадский поступок и купила Psychologies с интервью Фассбендера Интервью очень симпатичное) Думаю, при удачном стечении обстоятельств из Фассбендера получились бы классные Фирс и Джеймс Бонд))
А также посмотрела новый ролик к "Прометею". Мои фпечатления вполне можно описать одним словом: creepy. Ну или тремя: creepy as hell